Wednesday 20 April 2011

ROH Glory By Honor IX - New York, NY 09/11/10

The DVD begins with hype videos for all the major matches on this show. They look slick and very well produced and are a great touch to show us some background. It's often a chore to rewatch the videowires before a show and I feel ROH should continue for all their big shows such as IPPVs.

1. Jay Briscoe vs. Kenny King
Really fast sprint that's all action. Crowds pretty into it as well. Kenny King looks very good here and, as usual, so does Jay Briscoe. All in all it's quick, it's fun and in my opinion the right person went over. Titus appears at the end of the match so we then get...

2. Mark Briscoe vs. Rhett Titus
Tightly fought contest here. Much like the match before it was kind of a showcase of what each guy can do. Titus is really coming into his own at this point and he does a couple of nice moves I hadn't seen from him before. Mark Briscoe goes all out to make Titus look good. Both matches were nicely used to further a feud between the two teams.

Nice little video package to setup the next match. I can't help but laugh out loud when Nana looks at the camera wide eyed with confusion and says..."Balls? We didn't come here for balls!?!". Tremendous.

3. Ballz Mahoney and Grizzly Redwood vs. Erick Stevens and The Necro Butcher
What can I say? I hate the Embassy team at this point but even they can't stink up what is undoubtedly a brief and entertaining match. The crowd is just pumped for Balls Mahoney and he plays up to them at every opportunity. Grizzly Redwood, as usual, does everything he can to put on something good for the people in attendance. Even Necro and Stevens seems fairly on the ball. It's not great or anything but it served its purpose.

4. Double Chain Match: Kevin Steen and Steve Corino vs. El Generico and Colt Cabana
If you have followed ANY of this feud then you know what to expect. It must be tough for those guys to go out and deliver in accordance with expectations and hype. This match is no exception to all four men’s work ethic and it's another very strong chapter in the Generico vs. Steen feud. Lots of sick spots in this match including Generico being yanked off the top rope through a table of the outside, Cabana being almost crucified with chains and the obligatory masses of crimson all help tell the story of the match. There's some nice little things such as Corino grabs a chair to hit Cabana, realises it's Balls Mahoney’s ECW chair so throws it to the ground to get another one and Colby Corinos important role that keep the matches tempo and drama going. After the match Steen unmasks Generico and in one of ROHs most sick and twisted iconic moments...he uses Corinos blood to paint MR WRESTLING on the chair over the mask.

We get a nice interview with Davey Richards conducted by Jim Cornette as out intermission filler. It's a good insight into Richards "non" character and addresses rumours of his departure.

5. World TV Title Match: Eddie Edwards vs. Shawn Daivari
This is one of those matches which is perfect for its place on the card. It's not too flashy and doesn't take too much of the crowds investment in the show but it does entertain. There's no doubt during Edwards TV title reign he pulled several watchable - good matches out of lower named and less competent opponents. Tonight is no exception. Daivari is not bad by any means but I've just never really thought his style meshed well with the ROH product. It's an ok match but pretty much a throwaway affair.

6. Christopher Daniels vs. Austin Aries
Aries kicks off proceedings with a nice short promo where he refers to Daniels as outdated and irrelevant. Tremendous! However what he ends with is the phrase "why don't we steal the show" and steal show they...don't. And it's probably neither mans fault either, very early in the match Aries comes off the top to the outside with an elbow and lands funny injuring his knee. His performance is then hampered throughout and he can be seen limping at times. Daniels brings the goods but the knee injury seems to have thrown a lot of whatever they had planned out the window. There are still some great moments in this match such as Daniels missing the arabian press to the floor and of course the Super Angels Wings. This match on paper could have stolen the show and I think it could have done had it not been for Aries knee injury.

7. Non Title Tag Team Dream Match: The Kings of Wrestling (Chris Hero and Claudio Castagnoli) vs. Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas
The KOW come to the ring having their entrance music performed live by the artist who originally did it by their side, nice touch. The crowd throughout is REALLY into Haas & Benjamin but thank god some of the ROH faithful still chant for the Kings of Wrestling, they're OUR tag team dammit!
This match is something to behold - ROHs finest tag team go move for move and hold for hold with Haas & Benjamin and at times it's simply breath taking. The one thing I notice with this match (and several others I've seen) of WGTTs is that their matches are all fairly simple with very good basics. They pulled one or two tricks out of the bag but I do feel they could show us more another time.
The KOW are just on another level around this time period and it's no surprise when they do all they can to make WGTT look good. The compliment is more than repaid though, especially with Shelton Benjamin’s terrific selling at times. I also need to give props to whoever booked this match; the right team absolutely went over in my opinion. Very good job all round and I would say this worth buying the DVD for just this one match.

8. ROH World Title Match (with Terry Funk as the special ringside enforcer): Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong
Good god the heat on Tyler Black during this match is off the charts. All those fans that have been DYING to turn on him now have every reason to and they make themselves heard! As per the past few shows since the announcement of his departure to greener pastures, Tyler Black is now a full blown heel and feel it's this character of Black is where he was at his best. He pulls out Roderick’s gut buster as an insult and even pulls out a "You Can't See Me" before slapping on an STF, something he did at the last show, but here in NY the people become even more livid! At this point both men have had several matches against each other so it's really no surprise that they have a terrific contest. What differs this match from the others is the heat from the crowd and the inclusion of the hardcore legend Terry Funk. Now I thought Funks role in this match was well done except when the HOT come rushing down to the ring just to be used as fodder for Funk. Although Strong's been turn heel before this match (so technically it's a heel vs. heel match) the crowd are behind him and I just felt it was kind of the wrong place to have that much interference. All that being said it's an exciting ride and a strong finish (no pun intended) to Tyler Blacks hugely successful run as ROH World champion. Whilst the match from SCOHV is just as good as this one I'd pick this one as my favourite of the two with both of them being behind their finals encounter from Survival of the Fittest 2009.

BUT WAIT!!! There's more...the lights go out and then a familiar tune from Kill Bill begins...ITS HOMICIDE! Pop is HUGE! He gets in the ring and then the show ends as he goes face to face with Strong.

To summarise, the second half of the show really picked up the pace after the first half was just OK until the Double Chain match. The crowd is hot throughout and that adds to the overall enjoyment of a lot of the undercard matches (except the Aries vs Daniels match where they get bored and begin the twinkies chanting). The advancement in the El Generico vs. Kevin Steen feud is possibly reason enough to purchase this DVD, it is honestly that well done! Add to that the Kings of Wrestling’s minor classic against Wrestling’s Greatest Tag Team and the ROH World Title match and it's pretty much a no brainer. Outside of the aforementioned matches everything else is just kind of there, not bad but just OK - good.
On a side note; What the hell’s happened with the commentary volume? Last show (Fade To Black) seemed an almost perfect mix between live noise and commentary yet now the commentary seems far too quiet. I bought the IPPV and don't remember any problems like this at the time.


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