Thursday 12 May 2011

ROH Allied Forces Disc 2 - CM Punk vs Samoa Joe: The Trilogy

1. ROH World Title Match: Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk- "World Title Classic" Dayton, OH 6/12/04


There’s just so much good stuff going on throughout this classic match. The mat wrestling sequence at the start, the multiple arm drags section where Joe really shows his pace and agility to hang with Punk move for move, Punk using the rope a dope tactic on Joe at times and all the while he keeps on that headlock.
There's even a classic ROH fan moment as a diehard punk fan throws up the X to Joe who then fakes hitting him. The fan recoils like a wuss and Joe wets himself with laughter along with the crowd. Punk then comes outside to check on his devoted follower and just as he extends his hand to the fan he takes it away further embarrassing the poor sucker.
But the goodness just doesn't stop there; it's a constant throughout the entire match. There's never one period where attention begins to wander or interest waning because even when there are the necessary rest holds it's not for too long and they each have little intricacies they make you stay glued to the action.
After the match the crowd chants 5 more minutes and that brings Homicide to piss all over their chips by attacking both of them and stealing the new ROH World Title belt. Punk cuts the promo of all promos putting over the ROH World Title and Joe gives the immortal line "Fuck anybody who tries to stop us" as he shakes Joes hand.

We get the CM Punk in ring promo from the start of the Joe vs. Punk II DVD. Great promo.

2. ROH World Title Match: Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk- "Joe vs. Punk II" Chicago Ridge, IL 10/16/04

Without question this was the best match in company history up this point and still is one of ROH's most defining matches, one that drew me personally into the promotion. It builds perfectly from the first encounter from World Title Classic as Punk frustrates Joe with his insistence on using headlocks to wear Joe down. They even draw reference to Cabana using a roll up to pin Joe during Survival in the Fittest as when Punk goes for a roll up the crowd is all over it. Speaking of the crowd, as we're in Chicago - Punks home town, they're mostly rooting for Punk which plays well into Joe's actions as, realising he has to beat Punk early, shows no sportsmanship and doesn't break clean on a number of occasions.
The first half is pretty much ALL Punk. He goes from working the headlock to the arm and back again. It all just makes sense though, as Punk wants to prevent a muscle buster, island driver or a choke from Joe. The pendulum eventually swings when Joe works on Punks back which was injured the night before. It's all these small intricacies and consistencies from previous shows and matches that all add up to make one all time classic match. The build to the finish is just so involving with each man being the others counterfoil and the crowd is just ecstatic throughout and at the end match chant for 5 more minutes.

Punk gives Joe the belt at the end as they shake hands. The crowd half chants "ROH, ROH, ROH" whilst the other half boo because they realise they won't get another 5 minutes. Ultimately Joe gets a luke warm reaction as the fans thought Punk really did have this one in the bag. Punk gets left standing in the ring where he receives a "Thank you" chant and a standing ovation.

Post match promos by both Joe and Punk are shown. Punk states next time there will be NO TIME LIMIT! Nice shot of his black eye too.

3. ROH World Title Match: Samoa Joe vs. CM Punk- "All Star Extravaganza II" Elizabeth, NJ 12/4/04

Personally this is my favourite of all three classic matches. If you thought the second match played well off the first one well then you're in for a treat as I think they actually surpass the story telling aspect of the previous encounters. Punk bleeding adds an extra edge to the match and there are so many nearfalls that the crowd is super into that as a viewer it's impossible to not be immersed by the action. They play off the Punk headlock strategy and then Joe gets his sparring session he sought in the first two matches and from there we're on the journey of total peaks and valleys as every great wrestling match should be. There's not really a point where you don't think the match couldn't end at any second and that's testament to the booking of the match and the performances that build towards it. Punks never say die attitude and Joes utter desperation are key points to the story and they are emphasised so well. When Joe tries to pin Punk with his feet on the ropes the fans are livid and you can see one guy in the background who's just DISGUSTED by this. Tremendous!

That's it for Allied Forces Disc 2 - CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe Trilogy...a collection of wrestling masterpieces and an absolute must buy for ANY wrestling fan.


CM Punk vs. Samoa Joe - International Showdown, Coventry, UK - March 19th 2005

Certainly whilst not quite up to the lofty standards set by their infamous trilogy of matches in ROH this is still quite a gem of a match. Imagine a compacted version of the trilogy done in a more exhibition style and you get this match. Punk tries his headlocks and the rope a dope tactic but here he plays very subtle heel as demonstrated when he slaps Joe right in the face when they go to break on the ropes. His arrogant and cocky demeanour afterwards worked nicely into the match. There's a nice moment when the commentators are talking about Punks SXE lifestyle and Dean Ayass asks "Has he never had a night out on the lash?". That had me laughing out loud. Anyways, both of them manage to pull out some tricks not seen in their previous meetings which gives this match its own identity when put up against their other encounters. They also do well to get the crowd into it as at the start only about 50% seemed lively for them due to the Mick Foley segment being right before the match. Fans of the infamous trilogy should seek this match out.

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