Wednesday 25 May 2011

ROH Richards vs. Daniels- Chicago Ridge, IL 10/16/10

1. The All Night Express vs. Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly
Wow what an opener here! Some really nice looking action in this one and it's apparent that despite being a fairly new team that Cole & O'Reilly will be one to watch in the future. ANX however are clearly on a roll and are on the cusp of being on that higher level they've worked so hard to reach. Surely ANX will get a tag title reign in 2011.

2. Trial Series- Match #2: Andy "Right Leg" Ridge vs. Ricky Reyes
This right here is how NOT to put over a young kid trying to make his name. Reyes dominates most of the match and the little offense Ridge does get in is not enough to make him standout. What a far cry from his match against Cabana from the night before.
Post match Reyes craps all over Ridge but Ridge superkicks him out cold. This might have worked had Ridge not been almost squashed.

Daizee Haze cuts a promo for her upcoming match putting over Jamilia Craft, he prized student.
Kyle O'Reilly & Adam Cole are outside and cut a good promo that, despite their loss; they have a bright future to come!

3. Daizee Haze and Jamilia Craft vs. Lady JoJo and Neveah
Not sure if I enjoyed the match but I sure as hell enjoyed the "fan" calling Lady JoJo and Neveah whores and asking them to show him their pussies as they made their way to the ring. Then when the match starts I swear a few fans are chanting "SALTY FANNY". Tremendous! Unlike the previous singles match between Haze & JoJo the night before, this was actually ok and fairly watchable. They kept the pace up and the match was about the right length. Would be interested in seeing Neveah in ROH again not only can she seemingly work but she has the look too.

Backstage the ANX cut one of their stylish promos in front of a massive sheet of tin foil. Seriously ROH WTF is that backdrop?

4. Kevin Steen vs. Homicide
These two seem to have some decent chemistry together and it's apparent in the exchanges of words between the two of them that occur throughout the match. Calling each other PUTA and there's a fun moment when a fan tells Steen he sucks only to have Steen reply with "Your momma sucks me really good" then "But not as good as your dad" with a quick "On his face baby, all over" to complete the serving of aforementioned fan. But that isn't even the best part of Steen’s performance...oh no! He tries to throw a metal ROH sign in the ring but it won’t go in and after a few attempts he goes nuts elbow dropping it and snot rocketing all over it. The man is just crazy and boy does he show it! Homicide holds his own but he's kind of overshadowed by the unstoppable entertaining monster that is Kevin Steen circa 2010. Perhaps slightly under par baring in mind who's involved but then again Homicide was injured at this point.

5. The Metal Master vs. Mike Mondo
Considering this match was shown just as the bell rang I thought this would be another bland match which seems to be the staple of these two on ROH cards. However there was a tonne of hard work and a lot of nice action to be found here. Mondo actually looked quite good against the competent Metal's just a shame he's missing that ingredient of a character the crowd can get into it at this point.

6. Non Title Elimination Match: The Kings of Wrestling vs. Jay and Mark Briscoe
What can you say about the KOW vs. The Briscoes in 2010 that hasn't been said before? This time round it's elimination rules and once again they manage to mix it up so it's not the same match that's been seen before. The pace they work is ridiculous, seriously it's a damn fast paced match with no rest holds what so ever - just full steam ahead. I'll be honest though...I had predicted most of the matches happenings until the finish and it was at that point I felt they could have had at least 5 more minutes.

Backstage a shit load of people are trying to put Kevin Steen into his straight jacket. Steen's kicking off at everybody and screams at Cabana that he will kill him in front of his parents, eat his corpse and dance on his grave. Scary stuff and Steen’s delivery is brimming with conviction.

7. I-Quit Match: Steve Corino vs. Colt Cabana
Quite the dramatic brawl we have on our hands here. I think having Steen wrapped up in his straight jacket at ringside really gave this match an extra dimension and that little extra edge. Some crazy stuff in this match including a smashed up bottle, chair shots, a table spot and a finish which reminded me of a certain I Quit cage match from 80's NWA. For fans of the Steen vs. El Generico feud this match is a must see.

8. Six Months In The Making: Davey Richards vs. Christopher Daniels
There comes a time once in a while when a match just goes perfectly. The action flows perfectly, the story flows perfectly, even the execution of moves is top notch. This match is all of that and more! Both guys are on their game at its highest level and they deliver some fantastic action and some compelling false finishes. In a year when ROH has had several great matches it's difficult to decide truly how great this is in comparison. For me it's second only to the original Tyler Black vs. Davey Richards match from Death Before Dishonor VIII.
Daniels grabs the mic after the match and cuts a heartfelt almost teary eyed promo saying that was the match he wanted to have that would prove to not just the world but to himself that he's one of the best. Davey suggests that they should do this again and the crowd pops accordingly.

Backstage Davey cuts a promo putting over Daniels and stating Final Battle will be his night.

There's also a selection of promos from several participants involved in the 2010 Survival of the Fittest the best of which being Claudio’s that sees him walking around backstage asking random people who is going to win Survival of the Fittest.

Richards vs. Daniels is simple enough to recommend on the strength of the main event however looking beneath that the rest of the card is pretty solid apart from one or two matches not being of interest to many and those are kept pretty short so it doesn't ruin what is one ROH's better releases in 2010. The final three matches make for a very fun last half of the DVD.

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