Friday 15 April 2011

ROH Hate: Chapter II - Collinsville, IL 07/23/10

1. The House of Truth vs. The Bravado Brothers
Good god this isn't a match that's going to fire up a crowd for a show. At this point the HOT are just about getting over and the Bravados are just kind of there. They could be a great team if they had a bit of interesting character or some mannerisms. At first it's a so so affair but it actually gets interesting toward the end. HOT have some nice neiche offense on offer too.

2. Erick Stevens vs. Grizzly Redwood
In juxtaposition to The Bravados, Grizzle Redwood has THE CHARACTER, THE MANNERISMS and THAT connection with the crowd. He's just great at what he does. This is in the midst of the Rasche Brown/Grizzly Redwood vs Embassy feud which is probably the worst thing ROH has done in 2010. The match has an ok little story of the big strong guy against the little quick guy and they work that aspect really well. It goes nowhere however as we soon get...

3. Necro Butcher vs. Rasche Brown

No Rating for this one, it's just a bit of a brawl. Necro takes a nasty looking slam to the floor off the apron, that's all to report I guess for this one without spoiling anything.

I'd like to point out that the previous 3 matches took up about 30 minutes of the dvd. Then we get to the portion of the DVD i actually wanted to see onward.

4. Pick 6 Contender's Series: (1) Roderick Strong vs. Colt Cabana
Dyu know it's kinda funny that these two, given a main event spot against each other could have a really GREAT match. Here however they are on midcard duty and proceed to put on a fun match where both guys "get their stinkypoop in" and look good. Strong's chase for the title continues.

5. The American Wolves vs. GenerationMe
Wow the opening promo by Young Bucks...I mean GenerationMe is really funny. I didn't realise they had such personality! Then Davey gets on the mic and royally BURNS them which is just tremendous.
The match is really good but is a tad odd for my liking. Bascially the Wolves almost squash GenMe for almost the entire match. GenMe get in some offense every now and again but not half of what they usually do. That being said this formula seems refreshing even if a tad old school in the way the heels disrespect everybody then get their asses whipped by the faces. The Wolves seem like a really old school tag team and the booking of the match to me just screams CORNETTE. If you like that, you're in for a treat. If not then maybe this won't be your cup of tea. My advice is try it anyway and see what kind of taste the tea leaves you with.

6. ROH World Champion Tyler Black, Delirious, & Jerry Lynn vs. Austin Aries, Rhett Titus, & Kenny King
A lot of issues and backstory going into this one. I think if anything this match could have done with an extra 5 or maybe even 10 minutes as there's so much talent in there that you really only got a glimpse of what each guy can do. Having said that this felt very much like those Crockett style Horsemen vs an all start faceteam (Sting, Nikita Koloff, Dusty Rhodes etc etc) matches. The crowds hot throughout and the match runs at the same pace as this!

Wow this show's moving fast...90 minutes in and we have two matches to go!!! Steen is out and he attacks Tyler Black!

7. Grudge Match: Kevin Steen vs. El Generico
Whilst a really good match I can't help but feel this was a slight step behind the minor classic from Death Before Dishonor VIII. All the ingredients are there but it just doesn't taste the same. The only minor thing to note is the crowd are nowhere near as rabid as the crowd was in Toronto for this match. I'd also like to mention that the finish is fair but given the set presedences of many previous incidences in other ROH matches it comes off as a tad lame.

After the match Steen has a chain but Generico turns the tables on him! Thet brawl and Generico dives off a lighting rig to splash Steen through a table. Pretty cool moment right there!

8. The Kings of Wrestling and Sara Del Rey vs. Jay & Mark Briscoe and The Amazing Kong
A really well worked main event that sees the lines of intergender tag wrestling removed as after mere minutes I removed any prejudice I had against womens wrestling and that WWE esque view that the women can only wrestle other women. Everybody is on their game and they all make each other look good. Some very believable nearfalls towards the finish.

So, the show in general was ok. The pace of the show was so quick that on paper you see the first 3 matches are fairly skippable but that takes up about only 30 minutes of the DVD. The matches that mattered got more time apart from ANE/Aries vs Black/Delirious & Lynn match which could have done with a tad more (but by no means felt short) and there's some important occurences such as the continuation of the epic Steen/Generico feud as well as the KOW/Briscoe feud. The Wolves match against Generation Me was something that felt different and to me is the match that stands out the most (despite technically not being the best match on the card). The dvd just flows incredibly well and at no point did I feel my attention waning.


However ROH kindly included a great midcard gem from the 100th show back in 2006...

DVD Bonus:
- Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. AJ Styles & Matt Sydal- 100th Show 4/22/06

Whoa I don't think I can recall a match that has as much action in 13 minutes as this! A complete balls to the wall all out movez fest and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! No doubt there are some that will complain and say "it doesn't have psychology". To those people...try and remember what it's like to be a real fan and suspend your disbelief for while. If you cannot do that then this match, and ROH in general during much of it "glory years" is possibly not for you.

As with the last dvd for Bluegrass Brawl, the inclusion of a very good match from the ROH vault bumps this DVD slightly.


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