Thursday 14 April 2011

ROH Pick Your Poison - Dayton, OH 4/20/10

1. Sami Callihan vs. Metal Master
Such a short short match. Callihan looked the better of the two. What I will say is that they fit a lot of action in.

2. Necro Butcher & Skullkrusher Rasche Brown vs. Erick Stevens & Shawn Daivari

Naturally this is Necros rules so it's a wild brawl right? No it isnt. It was a tad boring but it at least it was short. The events after the match finished were much more interesting anything that occured during the match itself.

3. Pick 6 Series Match: (3) Chris Hero vs. Petey Williams

Enjoyable match with both competitors hitting their respective signature moves. Im no fan of Petey Williams but he certainley impressed me here. Hero was his usual level of awesomeness.

4. The American Wolves vs. The Dark City Fight Club

All I can say is, this match shows just what a great team the Wolves really are. I didnt see a lot from the DCFC but the Wolves made this match a joy to watch when it could have just been mediocre.

5. Austin Aries & Rhett Titus vs. The House of Truth

An interesting dynamic here as both teams are seemingly both heels. However after the slightly entertaining start the match kicked in and it wasn't very engaging at all. Dont get me wrong it wasn't the worst match I have ever seen, not even close. I just think that given the talent involved this should have been better. Both teams seemingly just did not click at all.

6. El Generico vs. Roderick Strong

I enjoyed the hell out of this match! Strong was on form here, busting out plenty of backbreaker variants including one which made me give an out loud HOLY SHIT! Generico's selling was top notch as usual although I feel maybe the spotlight was more on Strong than Generico in this match.

7. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & Steve Corino

Really fun tag match with an opening brawl that kind of reminded me the brawls you would find any ROH show from 08. It settled down into the usual tag formula but was engaging throughout. Once it ended I felt that we havnt seen the best of what both teams can do. A rematch is something I'd like to see down the line.

8. ROH World Title Match: Tyler Black vs. Kenny King

If your thinking that maybe this match is one to skip over think again. To me this is the 2010 version of the first Nigel McGuiness vs Tyler Black match from Take No Prisoners 2008. Sure it's not quite as jaw dropping but the principle and some of the action is similar. In my eyes King is taken to another for the first time in ROH and Black is more than complimentary.

All in all one of ROHs better shows in terms of overall quality in 2010. It's not quite an A class show but certainly is worth picking up for the last three matches alone.


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