Friday 15 April 2011

ROH Supercard of Honor V - New York, NY 05/08/10

1. Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Rhett Titus & Kenny King

Fine opening match here. One thing that dawned on me watching this is how King & Titus seem on a closer level to a bigger more accomplished team like The Briscoes. Before I would just look at them as fodder but over the past few months they have come along nicely.

2. Open Challenge: Erick Stevens vs. Grizzly Redwood

Bless Grizzly! There's something so fun about watching him getting thrown around then making a firey comeback. Decent enough outing

3. SHIMMER Challenge Match: Amazing Kong vs. Sara Del Ray

As strange as this will sound...this was not the epic match i was expecting. It was fairly good but just did not have the time or flow to take it to the next level. A tad dissapointing given who's involved.

4. Non Title Match: ROH World TV Champion Eddie Edwards vs. Christopher Daniels

Just what you expect from these two. Really solid mid card outing that's not out to steal the show but is all out entertaining. Edwards hangs in there with Daniels which just goes to show you what level he's on these days.

5. Grudge Match: Austin Aries vs. Delirious

Awesome pre-match promo from Aries. As for the match, well it's interesting what transpires here. That's really all I can say...

6. 34th Street Deathmatch: Kevin Steen vs.Colt Cabana

I dont know why but this year ROH has been producing very ECW like brawls on more than one occasion. And im not talking about an ECW brawl that's just a brawl. Im talking about the match and the booking altogether that gives you that cant blink or I'll miss feeling while watching. Much like the tag match from Bitter Friends, Stiffer Enemies 2, this match was just plain sick. Plenty of nasty bumps, a few of which I had never seen before anywhere. Say what you want about Cabana but he damn well pulls out the goods here. Steen is just, well he's Kevin Steen in 2010 - freaking awesome. It will be a shame if he has to leave ROH at Final Battle 2010 but if so he will have had a hell of a year to cap of his ROH run.

7. ROH World Tag Team Title Match: Chris Hero & Claudio Castagnoli vs. Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley

Quite simply, this was a truly great tag team match. When I say great I mean GREAT. Both teams were just SO on in this match and what makes it better is that they have chemistry with each other. A boat load of signature and double team offense. And it's that good you can start comparing it to the first Briscoes vs MCMG match from Good Times, Great Memories or Aries/Strong vs Briscoes from Unified. That is until the finish which for the love of god must have left the fans feeling screwed. Who knows I may have dished out the full 5 SNOWFLAKES OF DOOM on this one had the ending satisfied me.

8. ROH World Title Match: Tyler Black vs. Roderick Strong

Well what did you expect? Two guys who have wrestled each other a tonne over the past 12 months go out there and have another very good match. It almost encroaches onto the path of being like a lot of their other encounters but the ending is unique to their series so this match stands out on its own. Strong continues to push being the ultimate worker whilst Black is on a roll and you can quite clearly see that. Kudos to whoever booked this match.

So in a nut shell there's a very good undercard and 3 **** and over matches. Out of 8 matches only 2 were below ***. That's a hell of consistent show and SCHOV provides just that. A top to bottom card that just picks what was my personal favourite BFSE2 to the post of being the best show of the year so far.


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